Stressed-out teacher in a classroom

Teacher Shares Some of the Most Ridiculous Demands Parents Make

Teachers and parents want the best for children, but people nowadays seem to be more demanding than ever, asking for things that go way beyond “reasonable.” You won’t believe these requests!

Teachers are underappreciated

Most teachers really love helping people (we certainly know it isn’t about the money) and go out of their way, often being self-sacrificing, to help students learn.

Teachers also do their best to please students and parents in an effort to create the best learning environment possible, whether it’s paying for materials themselves or putting in extra hours to make sure everyone succeeds.

It takes a special person to be a teacher. The profession often takes a high degree of patience, not just because of the rigors of the job, but because some parents can be overwhelmingly demanding. And as you are about to find out, parents can make the most ridiculous requests you can imagine!

The Most Ridiculous Demands Parents Make

A teacher named Steven Steiner recently shared his experiences with parents over the years on TikTok (@the_mr_steiner), The Sun reported.

Parents seem to be out of control, nitpicking, claiming the littlest things are “triggering,” asking for “safe spaces” and the list goes on. You won’t believe these requests Mr. Steiner has heard!

1. Color trigger

Parent: “My child is triggered by the color pink. Don’t use it in class.

2. No left hands

Parent: “Stop writing on the board with your left hand. It confuses my right-handed child.”

3. Minimize distractions

Parent: “My son is distracted easily. Please teach him in a tent or closet to minimize distractions.”

Teacher response: Accommodations for your child can and should be made. But teaching in a tent or closet is not one of them.”

4. Screen child’s bathroom results

Multiple parents: “Please screen the child’s (urine/bowel movements).

Teacher response: “Teachers are not trained as medical professionals.”

5. Bite the banana

Parent: “My child will not eat their banana unless the teacher takes a bite first.”

6. Hide your hair

Parent: “Your hair is too nice. Please hide it. It’s making my daughter feel self-conscious about her own hair.”

7. Graphic substitution

Grandparent: “My granddaughter doesn’t like to write. So she will be turning in drawings instead of essays.”

8. No compliments

Parent: “Don’t complement my daughter’s hot pink hair. She doesn’t like attention drawn to her.”

Teacher response: “She dyed it HOT PINK!”

9. No more homework

Parent: “I don’t have time to help my son with homework, so stop assigning it.”

Teacher response: “Ma’am, that’s not how this works.”