ice berg in Antarctica

Has Melting Snow in Antarctica Revealed a Lost City?

Melting snow in Antarctica has revealed curious hexagonal patterns that are clearly visible in satellite photographs, and now some are speculating these shapes reveal a larger structure that’s part of a lost city.

Antarctica wasn’t always frozen

Is it possible that in times past, at a time when snow did not cover the polar cap in Antarctica, a civilization could have existed there?

Antarctica hasn’t always been covered with ice, according to scientists. The South Pole continent existed for almost 100 million years without freezing over. Scientists from Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales and Cardiff University have found new evidence of a dramatic climate shift about 34 million years ago that created the “ice house” at the poles that continues to the present day, the Wales Museum reported.

Scientists continue to make new finds as snow melts in Antarctica

As snow continues to melt in Antarctica, scientists are making new finds all the time.

As glaciers retreat, they release pressure on the continent, which allows the ground itself to rise up. The Pine Island Glacier, one of the fastest-retreating glaciers in Antarctica, is shedding ice faster than the glacier is expanding outward.

For example, in 2020, amid record high temperatures, Antarctica experienced its third major melt event of the summer. It came as the ice caps melted to an unprecedented degree, Smithsonian reported. The Pine Island Glacier purged an iceberg twice the size of Washington, D.C., and as it did, a never-before-seen, uncharted island was revealed.

As the melt-off continues, one researcher believes another never-before-seen part of Antarctica has been revealed.

Are these hexagonal patterns revealed by melting snow in Antarctica evidence of a lost city?

Images showing hexagonal shapes recently captured by satellite photos over Antarctica have led one researcher to speculate that melting snow has revealed a lost city on the frozen continent.

UFO researcher Scott Warring believes the satellite images are evidence of an ancient lost city buried beneath the ice in Antarctica, Ethereal Secrets reports.

The satellite images appear to show a hexagon-shaped dome, estimated to have 25-foot-tall sides and a circumference of 150 feet. Also seen around the dome are numerous other hexagon shapes that appear to be man-made.

Warring cited the book The Lost City of Antarctica, Civilizations of the Ancient World, by M.G. Hawking, Jenna Wolfe Ph.D., and Amber Chellings M.Phil, which suggests evidence of civilization in Antarctica prior to 10,000 years ago and as far back as 55.5 million years ago has been found in the ice-core derived isotopic record from the Paleogene and Neogene geologic periods.

“[Satellite imagery] reveals hints of a large Paleocene civilization thriving beneath the ice of Antarctica,” Warring said in a YouTube video, including “intelligently-= made buildings.”

Warren goes on to suggest that the shapes in front of the dome could be a military facility, a port, or an entrance to a subterranean city.