Alien spaceship (UFO) is flying at night. Moon in background

World’s Clearest UFO Photo Revealed to Public After 32 Years

Known as the “Calvine photograph,” what is being called “the world’s clearest UFO photo” has finally been released after being withheld from the public 32 years after it was taken by two hikers in the Scottish Highlands.

“Calvine photograph” withheld by officials for 32 years

On August 4, 1990, in the Scottish Highlands, about 35 miles northwest of Perth, near Calvine, two hikers photographed what they believed to be an unidentified flying object (UFO).

The witnesses claimed to have watched a metallic object hovering in the sky, emitting a humming sound for roughly 10 minutes, as fighter jets made passes in the distance. Then the object shot off straight into the sky at a high speed and was never seen again, The Sun reported.

The image has striking clarity. It shows a diamond-shaped object hovering in the sky, in the middle ground with a clear focus. Lower and farther behind the UFO, in a fuzzier focus, as would be natural for depth of field, is what appears to be a Harrier fighter jet.

In the foreground, there is the top of a barbed wire fence that the photographers must have been standing behind. On the lower left, some foliage, as well as tree overhangs at the top left and center.

After taking the photograph, the two hikers, the identity of which remains unknown, handed it off to Scotland’s Daily Record newspaper, LADBible reported. The newspaper then passed it along to the Ministry of Defence (MoD), who held onto it and kept its existence hidden from the public for the next 32 years.

Researcher brings 32-year-old UFO photo out of hiding

The public may have never seen the “Calvine Photograph” if it wasn’t for the efforts of Academic and journalist Dr. David Clarke who came across the photo after years of research.

Dr. Clarke worked as a curator for the MoD UFO files project at The National Archives. He is also an associate professor at Sheffield Hallam University.

Clarke tracked down a former RAF press officer Craig Lindsay, who was the go-between that did the liaising between the press and the MoD when the incident was investigated in 1990.

Lindsay still had the original envelope that was sent to the MoD by the daily record, and it contained one of the original photographs from Calvine. He agreed to hand over the photo to Dr. Clarke and Vinnie Adams from the campaign group UAP Media UK.

The “Calvine Photograph” has now been officially filed in the archives at Sheffield Hallam University.

Donnie Goodman posted a copy of the photograph on Twitter.

According to estimates by researchers, the diamond-shaped UFO appears to have been up to 100 feet long.

Researchers remain interested in knowing the identity of two unidentified hikers who witnessed and photographed the UFO in 1990.

“We urge anyone with any information on the identity of the photographer or the case to come forward,” Vinnie Adams told The Sun. “After 32 years, and an intensive investigation, it feels good to be able to show this elusive photograph to the world.”