Stairway to heaven

Women Who Died and Came Back Describe the Afterlife, Want to Go Back

Two women who technically died and were brought back to life are now sharing what they experienced in the afterlife, and one says she wants to go back.

Two women describe dying and coming back

In a recent episode of Inside Edition, two women recounted how they died while undergoing routine hysterectomies, and both claim to have undergone a near-death experience, each taking them into a beautiful, loving afterlife realm that left them changed forever.

One of the women told of how she met up with her best friend who had died two years earlier, and the other woman claims she met Jesus Christ, God, angels, and “three really ancient men,” the Daily Star reported.

The case of Betty Eadie: Wants to go back

When Betty Eadie was 31 years old, she died in the hospital after a routine hysterectomy. She wrote about her experience in a best-selling book entitled Embraced by the Light.

What she saw, heard, and felt is very typical of what many people who go through a near-death experience (NDE) describe.

She first went through a tunnel to a “beautiful realm” where she met Jesus.

“I recognized God and I ran to him and fell at his feet, my head on his lap,” Eadie said.

But like so many people who undergo an NDE, she felt disappointed she would have to leave the wonderful place and return.

“And he [Jesus] said, ‘You have a mission to perform. And I want you to see what that mission entails. Then you must go back,'” Eadie continued. “I came back. I was not very happy about being back.”

“I want to go back,” Eadie said.

The case of Jesse Sawyer

Ten years ago, Jessie Sawyer, then age 30, checked into the hospital to undergo a recommended routine hysterectomy. The doctors were unable to find anything wrong, and the surgery went well. But she suffered a medical emergency soon after returning home and was rushed back to the hospital. While in the hospital, she died for time before being resuscitated.

Before talking about her near-death experience, she points out that she didn’t believe in such things and “didn’t even believe in God anymore.”

“The best way I can describe it is that my eyes opened, and then they opened again,” Sawyer said. “And when they opened again, I was in this endless misty white room.”

“It was just this space,” Sawyer continued. “And the very first thing that I realized was that I was able to stand up straight, which is something that I hadn’t been able to do since the surgery.”

She saw a friend of hers named Anthony who had passed away previously.

“This was my death,” Sawyer says she realized. “And Anthony was there to take me home.”

“The light started off as this shimmer, and then it grew,” Sawyer added. “I mean, maybe it was 15 feet away from me. I don’t really know because the light itself is limitless. It’s timeless….There’s no way you can describe it. It is the most profound, most unconditional love.”

“When I started to kind of rejoin the world, I felt this intense love for everyone,” Sawyer explained. “And not that I was necessarily a selfish person beforehand, but you only really care about the people that you know. This new feeling was that I cared about everybody I saw, just the connection that I felt to everything.”

NIH: Some near-death experiences are distressing

More often than not, the types of near-death experiences that seem to be the most widely publicized are those which are pleasant. However, the National Library of Medicine of the National Health Institute (NIH) published an article detailing the “Distressing Near-Death Experiences: The Basics.”

According to the NIH, there are three varieties of distressing near-death experiences.

Inverse: Those that are perceived as hostile or threatening.

The Void: Perceived as a vast emptiness, aloneness, isolation, or even annihilation.

Hellish: Those literally observed as being in a place similar to the concept of hell. Sometimes it can be other types of abyss-like environments, such as a desolate landscape or a watery environment. Still others involve nightmarish scenarios and horrifying beings.