
Winter Storm Readiness: What Do You Need?

Winter storms are no joke. If you live in an area that is prone to heavy snowfall and sub-zero temperatures, you need to be prepared to deal with the extreme weather in your region. Here are a few tips to help you stay stocked up on the essentials ahead of any inclement weather to help you and your family weather the storm.

Staying Warm

First and foremost, you’re going to need blankets and warm clothes. You can’t expect the power to stay on during a winter storm, so stock up on these items to keep yourself and your family warm. If you have a fireplace, stock up on firewood ahead of time to warm your house up even if the power goes out. 

While you’re at it, make sure you keep the doors and windows shut as much as possible when the power goes out. Keeping the heat in is critical, not just for your comfort but for your health. Don’t forget to stock up on candles, too! You’ll want something to keep the room illuminated at night when the power is out. 

Stocking Up on Food

If you don’t have access to electricity, you need to be able to prepare your food without using the oven, stovetop, or microwave. This means you should stockpile items that don’t require much preparation and that can stay good indefinitely, like canned vegetables or granola bars. 

If you have items that need to be chilled or frozen and the weather is below freezing, remember that you can simply put the items outside in a cooler to keep them from spoiling. Likewise, if you have a fireplace, you could theoretically use it as a cooking fire. Just be careful when you’re standing near an open flame, and use a food thermometer to ensure any food you prepare has been thoroughly cooked to a safe internal temperature.

Other Essentials

Stock up on items like any medications you or a family member needs to take regularly. You should also keep batteries, flashlights, and a portable radio on-hand in case of an emergency. If you’re concerned about being able to contact your neighbors or emergency services, you should also consider stocking up on backup battery chargers for cell phones and other electronics.

If you live in a remote area, you should also store emergency flares to notify nearby rescue crews of your presence in the event of an extreme blizzard. These items, paired with a level head and calm attitude, should help you the next time you find yourself in a winter storm.