viral TikTok great-grandma

Everyone loves 98-year-old grandma Nanny Faye’s thoughts on afterlife

TikTok’s fave great-grandma Nanny Faye, 98, has gone viral on social media for her VERY CALM and soothing thoughts on death and the afterlife, giving us all EXACTLY the reassurance we need to hear!

TikTok star Grandma Nanny Faye, 98, goes viral

One of social media’s most beloved great-grandmothers, Nanny Faye, a 98-year-old Texas native and TikTok star, has shared her perspective on the fear of death and the afterlife – and the Internet loves her response!

Nanny Faye’s great-grandson manages her TikTok, nannyfayeandme, which has 219,000 followers, and she’s gone viral with her latest post, which has accumulated over 1.7 million likes, though it’s hardly the first time she’s gotten viral attention, the Daily Mail reports.

Faye was born in 1925, and she has gone viral several times with her posts that feature her homespun wisdom and insight.

Nanny helps with a fear of dying and offers very reassuring thoughts on death and the afterlife

Nanny Faye’s latest viral post is a response to a viewer’s question about dealing with the fear of death.

“I’m scared of dying and can’t help it,” a follower asked. “Can you ask her if she is and how to help with that? She’s sweet!”

“Noooo! Why should I be scared?” Nanny Faye responded in her viral video post. “Honey, what’s there to be scared of?”

“This is just waiting for that,” Faye continued. “This [life] is just a little interim time. It’s a blip. It really is not going to amount to a hill of beans hardly… Less than 100 years up to eternity doesn’t even cut it.”

Nanny says her faith is key to having no fear

The great-grandmother cited her faith as the key component in her lack of fear and feeling of peace, noting the Bible’s presentation of heaven as a place of eternal perfection, the New York Post reported.

“Your faith is to be put in what that Bible says,” Faye said. “That Bible presents to you the most marvelous…place to live and to dwell and to be happy and to be perfect.”

Faye pointed out that life on earth, unfortunately, will never be perfect, but that will not be the case in the afterlife.

“There is going to be perfection,” Faye continued. “Everything’s going to be lovely.”

“No sickness, no sorrow, no…people out of work, no trouble in any direction,” Faye added. “There’s not going to be any of that stuff that worries the tar out of us here.”