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Europe and North America Could Reach ‘Peak Meat’ in 2025

Plant-based alternatives are growing rapidly, driving consumption down indicating that “peak meat” could occur by 2025, as vegetarian substitutes take over in Europe and North America aiding health and the environment.

“Peak Meat” Could Be Reached in Next Four Years

The market for animal products could reach its peak in 2025 and begin to decline in Europe and North America, as the rapid growth of plant-based alternatives begins to dominate the market, according to a new report.

The term “peak meat” describes a point at which the demand for animal-based food products reaches its pinnacle and begins to decline.

The study was conducted by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and Blue Horizon Corporation, the Guardian reported.

According to the report, it predicts that plant-based substitutes for animal-based food products will account for 11 percent of the global protein market by 2035. However, if rapid regulatory and other technology progress is made, that number could double and plant-based alternatives could capture 22 percent of the protein market around the globe.

Plant-Based Alternatives for Every Type of Protein

It’s not just beef that plant-based alternatives will replace, but every type of protein that comes from an animal source, the study says. But, the report predicts, alternatives for all types of meat, eggs, dairy and seafood products will reach £210 billion by 2035.

The study also predicts that nine out of ten of the world’s most popular food dishes containing animal products – everything from pepperoni pizza to sushi – will have realistic-tasting alternatives by 2035.

Prices of Plant-Based Meat Substitutes Expected to Drop in Next 2 Years

Plant-based alternatives to meat have grown rapidly. Right now, some people avoid these alternatives as, for example, meat-substitute burgers are still significantly more expensive than standard beef. But that is expected to change within the next two years, at least to where the prices will be the same by 2023, according to the forecast.

Health benefits

There are well-known health effects with regular consumption of meat and dairy products, having been linked to the risk of heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, pneumonia, obesity and a number of other conditions. Plant-based substitutes for meat could bring health benefits to consumers around the world.

The result of plant-based alternatives on farming and climate

The report also says that, within the next fifteen years, if plant-based alternatives to proteins does capture 11 percent of total global protein sales, an area equivalent to the size of the UK will be freed from supporting livestock, as well as 50 billion fewer chickens will have been raised.

In terms of environmental benefits, it will also have reduced 1 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions from the atmosphere.