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Humans Have 8 Types of Intelligence–Where Do You Score the Highest?

Intelligence isn’t just one thing, as we know we’re all naturally skilled at different things, and a Harvard psychologist says there are actually 8 distinct types of intelligence –which types of intelligence do you have?

The theory of multiple intelligences

The concept of multiple types of intelligence, what’s called the “Theory of multiple intelligences” has been gaining ground as a way of better understanding what intelligence actually is. It’s not one thing.

The theory of multiple intelligences first introduced in the seminal 1983 book “Frames Of Mind” by Harvard psychologist and professor Howard Gardner.

8 types of intelligence

Professor Gardner developed a theory which breaks intelligence into eighty different types with each type of intelligence standing on its own.

The eight types are: Spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, linguistic, logical-mathematical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic.

Here is a general breakdown of each of the eight different types of intelligence and their basic strengths and characteristics.

Spatial intelligence

Strengths: Visual and spatial judgment.

Characteristics: Draws for fun, good at puzzles, recognizes patterns, interprets visuals well.

Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence

Strengths: Physical movement, motor control.

Characteristics: Skilled at sports, excellent physical coordination, remembers by doing, instead of hearing or seeing.

Musical intelligence

Strengths: Rhythm and music.

Characteristics: Appreciation for music, thinks in sounds and patterns, rich understanding of musical structure and notes.

Linguistic intelligence

Strengths: Words, language, writing.

Characteristics: Enjoys writing, reading, public speaking, very persuasive, can explain things well.

Logical-mathematical skills

Strengths: Analyzing problems and mathematical operations.

Characteristics: Fast problem solver, understands complex computations, enjoys thinking about abstract ideas.

Interpersonal intelligence

Strengths: Understanding and relating to others.

Characteristics: Strong emotional intelligence skills, creates healthy relationships, good at solving conflicts.

Intrapersonal intelligence

Strengths: Introspection and self-reflection.

Characteristics: Understands one’s own strengths, weaknesses, highly self-aware, sensitive to one’s own feelings.

Naturalistic intelligence

Strengths: Seeing patterns and relationships to nature.

Characteristics: Interested in areas like botany, biology, zoology, appreciation for nature, enjoys activities like camping, gardening and hiking.

How understanding your type of intelligence helps you

There are advantages to understanding the different types of intelligence you possess. Understanding where the strength of your intelligence lies can put you into a career where you will excel, while not understanding this could cause one to end up in the wrong career.

Even if one enjoys their job, if they have an understanding of the type of intelligence they possess, and will help guide them toward which learning techniques are right for them and assist them in excelling further.

Which career fits the 8 types of intelligence?

Considering the 8 types of intelligence identified by Professor Gardner, CNBC offered a basic guide to which types of careers are the best fit for each intelligence type.

1. Spatial intelligence

Careers: Pilot, surgeon, architect, artist, engineer, fashion designer.

2. Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence

Careers: Athlete, dancer, physical therapist, builder, mechanic, actor.

3. Musical intelligence

Careers: Songwriter, composer, singer, musical conductor, DJ, musician, music teacher.

4. Linguistic intelligence

Careers: English professor, novelist, journalist, editor, poet, lawyer.

5. Logical-mathematical intelligence

Careers: Mathematician, scientist, engineer, computer programmer, economists, accountant, scientist.

6. Intrapersonal intelligence

Careers: Psychologist, politician, publicist, negotiator, team manager, salesperson.

7. Intrapersonal intelligence

Careers: Psychologist, counselor, therapist, entrepreneur, philosopher, theorist.

8. Naturalistic intelligence

Careers: Biologist, geologist, botanist, farmer, conservationist, florist.