
Did Nostradamus Predict the Outbreak of World War III?

Could an eerie line in the 59th quatrain of famous seer Nostradamus be a prediction of the start of World War III? If so, it does not bode well for the West. Find out what this prophecy from nearly 600 years ago foresaw.

Nostradamus: Who was this famous seer?

Michel de Nostredame, Latinised as simply Nostradamus, was a French astrologer, physician, and purported prophet who is known for his book Les Prophéties, first published in 1555. It contains a collection of 942 prophecies, written as poetic quatrains. A quatrain is a type of stanza, a complete poem consisting of four lines.

The writings of Nostradamus are cryptic. They aren’t self-evident and can be interpreted in many ways.

Scholars claim Nostradamus purposely wrote in a cryptic manner to avoid being persecuted and charged with heresy by the Holy Inquisition.

As a result, the quatrains are not in any chronological order and are written in four languages, combining French, Greek, Latin, and Occitan. Further, some believe the quatrains also contain anagrams, mythological and astrological references.

Most of the predictions by Nostradamus are focused on disasters, which earned him the nickname “prophet of doom.” Research suggests some include end of the world prophecies based on the Bible, historical events, classical sources, and omen reports.

Did any of Nostradamus’ predictions come true?

Among the many claims, supporters do agree several of his prophecies came true such as predictions of the Great Fire of London, the French Revolution, the rises of Napoleon and Adolf Hitler, both world wars, and the nuclear destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, according to Wikipedia.

A 1981 documentary about Nostradamus, The Man Who Saw Tomorrow, did feature a quatrain that appeared to foresee the terrorist attacks of 9/11 on New York City.

Did Nostradamus foresee the start of World War III?

“Twice put up and twice cast down,

the East will also weaken the West.

Its adversary after several battles,

chased by the sea will fail at time of need.”

– Nostradamus, Quatrain 59 (LIX) * bold emphasis added

Observers of this quatrain have interpreted it in many ways, although typically in agreement it refers to World War III. Where they differ is who the adversary is, whether it is a war between the United States and Russia or a war between the US and North Korea.

Some say are even interpreting another quatrain to suggest that the current Russia-Ukraine conflict will reach France.

“The blue head will inflict upon the white head

As much evil as France has done them good:

Dead at the sail-yard the great one hung on the branch.

When seized by his own the King will say how much.”

– Nostradamus, quatrain 2 (II)