Cameron Norris

Bata, Equatorial Guinea

Explosions in Equatorial Guinea Reveal Deep Corruption Issues

In early March, a series of explosions in the Equatorial Guinea city of Bata rocked the harbor and demolished buildings. Over 100 people died in the explosion or of the resulting injuries, and the country’s long-running president Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo blamed the military’s mishandling of a stockpile of dynamite

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Articial Intelligence

Was Terminator Based on a True Story?

There has been much ink spilled over the topic of artificial intelligence. Movies and books often warn of the cold, calculating learning machine that decides it no longer needs its human makers. Just as common are the treatises from AI experts who comfort us by reminding us that AI can

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Global Warming

The Doomsday Clock is Ticking

Assuming that humanity does nothing to prevent the runaway escalation of global warming into a full-blown climate catastrophe, the future looks bleak and miserable. While world governments make the most glacial progress on grinding to some kind of climate action, the planet continues to get hotter, and natural disasters become

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DNA Test

No One Should Take a DNA Test: Here’s Why

You might have seen those fun little ads online claiming you can get closer to your roots if you take a DNA test to learn about your genetic makeup. The ads make it seem like a fun, harmless little endeavor to get in touch with distant relatives and enjoy the

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Martian Landscape

How Discovering Life of Mars Will Change Humanity

For decades, scientists have looked to our nearest planetary neighbors in search of evidence of life among the stars. So far, all evidence points to a chilling and, ultimately, unusual likelihood: we’re probably all alone, at least in this pocket of the universe. However, some believe that the discovery of

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Why the Johnson and Johnson Vaccine Might End the Pandemic

Two major vaccines got emergency authorization for use in the US early on: one from Pfizer, and another from Moderna. These two vaccines share a lot of characteristics in common, including their efficacy and the ways they have to be stored and administered. Those two vaccines, while highly effective at

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COVID Concept

Why Were We Not Ready for a Pandemic?

Before the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 and 2021 broke out into the world with a fury unseen by humans in a century, medical experts the world over would have told you that much of the developed world was more than ready to handle a pandemic. At the top of the

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COVID Vaccine

What Can You Do Once You’re Vaccinated?

One of the most frustrating aspects of the vaccine rollout has been how little some media outlets and medical professionals are pushing for the angle of how safe they are. Many articles and reports indicate that the vaccines are extremely safe, and are great at preventing serious illness from COVID-19.

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